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phone pics-5.jpg
phone pics-4.jpg
phone pics-2.jpg
phone pics-3.jpg
phone pics.jpg
Models: Elise McDougle,  Audry Pitizer
D E P T H   O F   F E I L D
Feild of blurr (2).jpg

Shutter speed: 1/800 sec


ISO: 3200

Feild of blurr.jpg

Shutter speed: 1/500 sec


ISO 100

C O N T A C T   S H E E T 
Contact Sheet.jpg
A L P H A B E T   S O U P 

V O L T A G E 

IMG_0163 (1).JPG
IMG_0231 (1).JPG
IMG_0247 (1).JPG
IMG_0241 (1).JPG
IMG_0154 (1).JPG
IMG_0243 (1).JPG
IMG_0180 (1).JPG
J E A N   A D 
Jean ad.jpg
B A D   P H O T O S 
white balance.jpg
motion blurr.png

Different White Balance

Motion Blur

ISO 100

Apatuer: F 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/60

ISO 100

Aperture: F 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/50

Bad Composition 

Over Exposed

Bad comp.jpg
Over exposed leafs.jpg

ISO: 100

Apeture: f 9.0

Shutter Speed: 1/400

ISO 800

Aperture: F 3.5

Shutter Speed: 1/250

Out of Focus


ISO: 6400

Apateur: F 4.5

Shutter Speed:

A   D I F F E R E N T   P O I N T   O F   V I E W
B to F.jpg

ISO 1600

Aperture f 5.0

Shutter speed 1/40


ISO 1600

Aperture f 5

Shutter Speed 1/40

F to B.jpg

ISO 1600

Aperture f 5

Shutter Speed 1/40

Book close up.jpg
F I L L   T H E   F R A M E 

ISO: 6400

Aperture: F 4.0

Shutter Speed: 1/125


ISO: 800

Aperture: F 3.5

Shutter Speed: 1/40


ISO: 320

Aperture: F 4.0

Shutter Speed: 1/400

N E G A T I V E   S P A C E 
Telephone pole.jpg

ISO 800

Aperture F 5.6

Shutter Speed 1/1600


ISO 6400 

Aperture F 22

Shutter Speed 1/5

apple 2.jpg

ISO 1600

Apeture F 4.5

Shutter Speed 1/160

Apple 1.jpg

ISO 1600

Apeture F 4.5

Shutter Speed 1/160

F R A M I N G 

ISO 200

Apeture 5.6

shutter speed 1/2500


ISO 200

Apeture 5.6

shutter speed 1/2500


ISO 6400

Aperture: F 5.6 

Shutter Speed: 1/20

© 2023 by MATT WHITBY. Proudly created with

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